On the path of decision-making, the pursuit of perfection is often a futile race, much like Buridan's donkey struggling with the difficulties of choice. This article will guide you out of the maze of "analysis paralysis," teaching you the art of making quick decisions and how to find and focus on the most important goals, just like Buffett.
Small Loans Big Ideas
I feel honoured and privileged to be featured in the ACCESS Community Capital Fund annual report. As a volunteer with ACCESS, I had a chance to interview many entrepreneurs. They all told me that being a small business owner was anything but easy. Long hours, low earnings and unstable incomes, you name it. But none of them regretted their decisions. In the end, you will only regret the things you don’t do and never the things you have done. So be brave! We’ve got you back!
I encourage you to check out the ACCESS Community Capital Fund Website. You will find many inspirational stories there.
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