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Financial Road Map

Small Business Owner’s Financial Road Map: A Highway to a Life That's Healthier, Happier and Financially Free

Financial Tools

We will help you and your company design and implement the most suitable financial plan. Some of the financial tools we may use including but not limited to:

Life InsuranceLiving BenefitsSavings and Investments
* Term Life* Critical Illness Insurance* Savings Accounts
* Whole Life* Disability InsuranceGICs / GIFs
* Participating LifeLong-term Care InsuranceAnnuities
* Universal LifeTravel InsuranceRegistration Plans (RRSP, RESP, TFSA, etc.)
Visitor to Canada InsuranceSegregated Funds
International Student Medical Insurance- Investment Series (75/75)
Individual Health and Dental Plans- Estate Series (75/100, 100/100)
Group Health and Dental Benefits- Income Series
Credit Cards (Visa)
Group Retirement Savings Plans

* Indicates that we can open an individual or business savings account for you or help you apply for an individual or corporate-owned insurance policy.

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