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RRSP 202: How does Spousal RRSP Work?

In retirement planning, the Spousal Registered Retirement Savings Plan (Spousal RRSP) stands out as a powerful tool, providing an effective avenue for income splitting between spouses. In this article, we will delve into the benefits of the Spousal RRSP and explore strategies for its effective utilization to split income and reduce the overall household tax burden.
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What Is An RRSP?

RRSP 101: What is an RRSP?

The RRSP is a registered savings plan designed to assist you in saving for retirement by deferring taxes. Investing in RRSP is particularly beneficial when the marginal tax rate is significantly higher during the contribution year compared to the withdrawal year.
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How to Avoid Falling into the Superficial Loss Trap?

Key Points: The purpose of the superficial loss rules is to prevent taxpayers from immediately repurchasing the same or identical property (called "substituted property") after selling it to obtain tax advantages. Conditions triggering the superficial loss rules include purchasing the substituted property within a specific timeframe before and after the sale. The simplest way to avoid triggering superficial losses is to wait for at least 31 days before repurchasing the substituted property. Many savvy investors often review their financial situations…

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