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Immediate Financing Arrangements (IFA) Strategy Case Study

You, as a successful business owner, expect a great deal from your financial advisors. You expect them to have excellent knowledge to support you every step of the way. Today, I want to introduce an advanced financial planning strategy - Immediate Finance Arrangements (IFA) to you. If used properly, it can help many business owners achieve their dreams much faster.
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New Retirement Strategies for Small Business Owners

As a small business owner, you will often face a variety of challenges when planning for the future, such as having no stable income or company retirement plan. These challenges will affect whether you can live a comfortable life after you retire. To tackle these challenges, small business owners should plan early for their retirement. In this article, we will compare traditional and new retirement strategies to help you make the best investment choices.
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If You Can Save Money By Exercising More, Would You Do It?

We are more than halfway through the summer. How's your new year's resolution going? Have you achieved your fitness goal? If yes, congratulations! If no, don't worry. You still have four more months. To help you achieve your fitness goal, I want to introduce the Vitality Program to you. Manulife Vitality can help you start to make little changes today.
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